Author Spotlight with Brett Crawley, author of Threat Modeling Gameplay with EoP

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
17:00 BST
Join our upcoming session with Brett Crawley on his book, ‘Threat Modeling Gameplay with EoP: A reference manual for spotting threats in software architecture’. Ideal if you are a fan of STRIDE or the Elevation of Privilege Card Game from Adam Shostack.

Do you use STRIDE in your security efforts, are you a fan of the Elevation of Privilege Game from Adam Shostack? Do you need some further guidance and examples on using these techniques? Then you will want to join our upcoming session with Brett Crawley on his book, ‘Threat Modeling Gameplay with EoP: A reference manual for spotting threats in software architecture’.

Each chapter in this book covers a suit in the Elevation of Privilege (EoP) card deck (a threat category), providing example threats, references, and suggested mitigations for each card. The book even has a foreword from Adam Shostack himself.

During this webinar with Brett expect to hear how the book came to be, and in what ways the game - and this guide - can support your threat modeling sessions - especially for software engineers, architects, and product managers alike. There will be a Q&A session at the end, so bring your questions on the day!

Three key takeaways

  • How to use the game for security best practice.
  • How to make threat modeling accessible to software engineers, architects and product managers.
  • What real-world examples can be used from this guide.
Fraser Scott
VP of Product, IriusRisk
Brett Crawley
Author, and Application Security Engineer