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Standards, Compliance and Regulations
Threat Modeling
Banking on Security? Why Threat Modeling is a solid investment.
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Threat Modeling
Jeff and Bex: The AI Duo for Secure by Design
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Threat Modeling Connect
Threat Modeling in the Age of AI
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Compliance & Regulation
Threat Modeling
Integrate It Series: Governance, Risk and Compliance
Episode two with Necessary Security and IriusRisk explores what you can do to integrate governance, risk and compliance tools to further enhance your secure by design efforts.
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Community Edition
Community Edition 101 -  Americas
We want you to get the most out of your Community Edition subscription, and so this webinar will take you through all the ways you can create your data flow diagram.
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Intro to Threat Modeling
’Integrate It’ Series: Issue Trackers Integration
Episode one begins with an exploration of issue trackers, and in particular Azure DevOps, Servicenow and Jira. Join Necessary Security, and IriusRisk to see how issue tracker management and threat modeling can further enhance your secure by design efforts.
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Threat Modeling
Methodologies & Frameworks
Threat Modeling Gameplay With EoP
Join our upcoming session with Brett Crawley on his book, ‘Threat Modeling Gameplay with EoP: A reference manual for spotting threats in software architecture’. Ideal if you are a fan of STRIDE or the Elevation of Privilege Card Game from Adam Shostack.
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Community Edition
Community Edition 101 - Europe
We want you to get the most out of your Community Edition subscription, and so this webinar will take you through all the ways you can create your data flow diagram.
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Threat Modeling
Threat Modeling Series 5 - Delivering Value
The penultimate episode talks about Delivering Value. It may be evident you did a great job, but how do you demonstrate the value and success that you brought? What was the cost, have there been other benefits such as a reduction in defects? Or perhaps the key advancement was the speed of delivery being much faster with threat modeling. Whatever the case may be, tune in with John Taylor of Deloitte, and Stephen de Vries of IriusRisk.
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