How do we communicate upcoming releases with our customers?

We carry out a number of activities across different channels to keep our users informed. Find out more below, but if in doubt, please speak to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

What is shared and when

Customer-facing slide deck

This slide deck will be shared with you on a call by your CSM. It details the upcoming items that will be in the release and this can be provided approx. 10 days before the release date itself. This enables customers to ask any questions and update any documentation.

Customer email

This is usually sent out four days before the release with a link to both the blog and release notes. We also share a social media post the day after the customer email, to share a few highlights and link back to the blog post.

Release notes

These are provided usually four days before the release date itself, so customers can go through all the details line by line.

Release blog

This is to highlight key changes and where possible we provide screenshots to show what is included.


Our online documentation serves as a User Guide for IriusRisk and can be utilized to get familiar with the tool. This area is also updated with any new inclusions or changes based upon each release. This will be published on the day of the release.

Knowledge Base

We recently updated this to provide you a much better portal to find your ‘how to guides’, specific articles and more. Again, any new developments, or changes to specific areas or features will be captured in individual articles and published on the day of the release.

Need this information in a different format or channel?

Let us know, we would love to hear your suggestions to see what other ways we can communicate with our customers so that they feel well informed. Please do this via your CSM or email us.

Helpful links

Still have questions?

Please get in touch with your CSM who will happily answer your queries and provide you with further product information should you need it.