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IriusRisk Team
The Threat Modeling Experts
April 28, 2021

Remote Threat Modeling

Remote Threat Modeling

As we prepare ourselves and adapt to this extended period of remote working, we need to re-evaluate how these changes will affect us. Security is by no means an exception to this circumstance, and now, more than ever, it brings the question of remote working to the forefront of priorities for security practices.

We strongly believe and advocate the practice of remote collaboration, and have found this podcast to be perfectly timed to the current situation.

In this podcast, Chris Romeo and the team from Security Journey are joined by Adam Shostack where they perform a live threat modeling exercise to figure out how remote threat modeling actually works.

Have a look at out free community version and do let us know if you would like to find out how Iriusrisk can enable you and your team to perform remote threat modeling at scale.

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Security Journey transforms the security culture and awareness around organizations.

Chris Romeo is the CEO and co-founder of Security Journey, a leading application security training organized as a security belt program. Before that, he was Chief Security Advocate at a Fortune 100 Company in charge of mass scale training, which led him tou found Security journey where he brings the lessons he taught to developers about security to the entire industry.

Adam Shostack is a leading expert on threat modeling, and consultant, entrepreneur, technologist, author and game designer. He has taught threat modeling at a wide range of commercial, non-profit and government organizations. He’s a member of the Black Hat Review Board, is the author of Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, and the co-author of The New School of Information Security and is part of Iriusrisk advisory board.





