IriusRisk Team
The Threat Modeling Experts
April 28, 2021

IriusRisk 2.1.4 Release

IriusRisk 2.1.4 Release

Our engineering team has made a herculean effort to improve responsiveness of the platform across the board with some impressive results. These will be particularly noticeable with thousands of threat models or users on the platform. These improvements mean that IriusRisk is now 240% times faster!

And that’s just one change. The engineering teams have worked on performance and speed on many fronts including:

  • Product selection
  • Architecture diagram load
  • Load threats for a given product
  • Load Countermeasures for a given product
  • Load Products tab
  • Overall performance gains with several database structure improvements.

The Threats Tab has also been refactored adding several usability and performance improvements. Components are collapsed by default and can be expanded to view threats.

Other notable changes encompass the issue tracker:

  • The component and product settings are now inherited from the global configuration: that means, for the products with no specific values in some fields, IriusRisk will use the global settings. For example, if you have defined a username and password globally but not on every product or component, changing this username or password on the global setting will affect all of the products without those settings. A new button has also been added to restore the global settings after a modification.

And a minor UI enhancement:

  • The questionnaire details panel now includes a vertical scroll to display several messages.

With many of our customers rolling out IriusRisk beyond the security teams and onboarding developers, architects, auditors and so forth, it is vital that this process be as seamless as possible to encourage adoption. These performance enhancements demonstrate our commitment to this process.

If you would like to sample the improvements for yourself, don’t hesitate to request a personalised demo.