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IriusRisk Team
The Threat Modeling Experts

First International Workshop on Gender and Cybersecurity

First International Workshop on Gender and Cybersecurity

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Our Chief Operating Officer Cristina Bentue will participate in a round table at the First International Workshop on Gender and Cybersecurity on the 5th of June at 5pm.

The Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), in collaboration with the Organisation of American States (OAS), organises the “First International Workshop on Gender and Cybersecurity: creating a more inclusive digital world v1.0”, in the Auditorio Ciudad de León, on 5th and 6th June 2017. Its main objectives are:

to promote the exchange of information and the development of knowledge about gender and cybersecurity
to analyse the current situation and problems regarding gender in relation to cybersecurity both on a national and international level
to debate about the main problems in terms of gender-based violence in the digital world
With the format of keynote speeches, discussion tables and work groups, it will be a free and open forum. Key national and international professionals are invited to attend from the public and private sectors, civil society, representatives from institutions, associations, trusts, security forces, legal professionals, from the worlds of communication and academia and from other sectors. In conclusion, any professional that has something to say and contribute to this forum is welcome, all for the sake of creating a more inclusive digital world.

Let’s change the world, bit by bit!





