ThreatModCon 2025 Barcelona
The Threat Modeling Connect (TMC) Community is excited to invite you to our annual conference in Europe with a fresh new program.
Join us for the second European edition of ThreatModCon—the boutique security conference dedicated to Threat Modeling and Secure by Design. After selling out for two years in a row, we’re back with even more to offer.
Dive into trending Threat Modeling techniques and practices with talks from leading practitioners across two talk tracks. Connect with peers through curated networking events like the Find My Tribe Program, and our Sunset Cruise reception, and more. Explore cutting-edge tools and solutions at the exhibitor hall.
And this year, we’re shaking things up—let’s play games! Test your skills in game sessions designed by Threat Modeling experts and professional game designers. Learn, collaborate, and have fun as you discover Threat Modeling in a whole new way. Ready to play?