Threat Modeling Series 6 - Results: Did we do a good job?

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
08:00 PDT/ 11:00 EDT / 16:00 GMT
Arguably one of the most important questions of the Four Question Framework - how do you know if your efforts were successful? What are the results and how can you learn from the data outputs and wider outcomes? Join John Taylor of Deloitte, alongside guest speakers Sandy Blackwell and Chris Ramirez of Axway, to flesh out whether you really did do a good job - and how can the results be improved or learnt from for next time.

John Taylor
Information security leader focused on delivering security ready applications
Sandy Blackwell
Global Director of Software Security
Chris Ramirez
Manager, Software Security Group

Key Takeaways

Assess your work in a productive way
Tangible ideas to learn from your data
Advice from threat modeling and security experts